Meet the team: Richard Nowell, Nowell & Richards MD
14 May 2021
How did your career in insurance begin?
The clue is in the name: Nowell and Richards is a second-generation family business, and for me the family business was a natural career choice. I used to hear my dad talking about insurance all day as his office was at home, funny how things go full circle! Aged 17, when my future career came up in conversation he offered me a job in the family firm. I started at the bottom, worked hard, and within 12 months had opened a branch office. It was very much a case of standing on my own two feet and learning everything the hard way!

What brought you to JM Glendinning?
It was the opportunity to work with like-minded, ambitious people in an advice-led business. There were too many synergies to ignore. It’s important to work with other who have similar aspirations so having admired from a distance others within the JMG group when the opportunity came along it was too good to resist.
What do you enjoy about your role?
I genuinely enjoy everything about it. As MD, the job variation is immense as there are many parts to my role. Most of all I enjoy meeting clients new and old and finding solutions that suit. Private client work is extremely diverse and fast paced.
What’s the secret to your success?
There’s no secret, really. It’s down to hard work and long hours. You’ve got to know your onions, manage clients, manage insurers, and know your product.
What advice would you give to someone starting their career?
If you’re given an opportunity, grab it with both hands as you may not get another one. My career was built on an opportunity coupled with a passion to achieve and provide. Get your qualifications. Learning and training are invaluable if you want career progression in today’s industry, it opens up so many opportunities.
What’s next for Nowell & Richards?
The same but more of it. I’m genuinely excited about working with like-minded people, as well as being part of a bigger group and the opportunities this will bring to the business, the team and the JMG group. It gives us much more leverage, and we are already seeing the benefits in our day-to-day work.
What JM Glendinning Group CEO, Nick Houghton, says:
“A wise person once said to me ‘know what you are good at and just be really good at it,’ and Richard and his team certainly embody that philosophy. Nowell & Richards is an incredibly successful business, and for Richard to decide to work with us for this next chapter of growth makes me feel very proud. The opportunity to retain the boutique essence of what Richard has created and scale it is very exciting and a journey that I’m looking forward to being part of.”